What is a Display Screen
You have the amazing ability to set up what we call a Display Screen. This is a simplified version of the website view, displaying the 3 columns - Directory / What's On / Gallery. These are set up to automatically scroll through listings to catch a person's eye and draw them towards the screen. As listings scroll by, it's intended that something will look appealing, and the person will want to know more. On the display screen, there is a QR Code that can be used to direct people to download the app and find out more.
Any community created; has a default display screen they can use -
https://whatwhenwhere.info/community/"community name" - for example -
you can customise your own display screen, as an admin of your community, please follow below:
To setup a Display screen for your community:
Login to the App as your community admin
go to widgets
add new
select display screen
Enter a name
choose categories to display